Student Impacts and Highlights

Throughout each school year and beyond, The Able Trust’s High School High Tech (HSHT) program provides Florida high school students with all types of disabilities experiences in job exploration and connections to postsecondary education resources. HSHT links youth to a broad range of academic, career development and hands-on opportunities that will enable them to better meet the demands of the 21st century workforce.

Read on to check out some of our students’ recent impactful activities and opportunities!

Pinellas High School High Tech Students Take Part in Tampa Bay Watch

Pinellas County High School High Tech students took to the waters of Florida’s west coast during the Tampa Bay Watch Field Day event. Students learned about conservation efforts, marine wildlife, water testing and many more ecological career pursuits.

Duval Motor Company Hosts High School High Tech Exploratory Event

Duval Motor Company hosted High School High Tech students from Duval and Nassau counties this April for a day of in-depth exploration into careers in the automotive field, including a hands-on introduction to modern electric vehicles.

Legislators, Agency Heads Meet High School High Tech Students

During a February reception, legislators, agency heads and other education leaders had the opportunity to meet High School High Tech students from Leon and Wakulla counties.

Job and Career Exploration

Wakulla County High School High Tech students attended the Tallahassee Chamber of Commerce’s inaugural North Florida Worlds of Work event held on the Tallahassee Community College and Lively Technical College campuses. The interactive job exploration fair showcased a wide range of career pathways through hands-on exhibits and face-to-face discussion with industry experts. 

Tours and Activities

High School High Tech Student Interview

Recently, High School High Tech student Edgar Caquimbo from Wakulla High School sat down with Chancellor Kevin O’Farrell, Division of Career & Adult Education, Florida Department of Education to discuss the Get There program.

Click here to watch the interview and learn more about Career & Technical Education programs.

High School High Tech Student Updates

Lucas Tigre

Lucas Tigre

A talented artist and animator, Hillsborough County High School High Tech student Lucas Tigre attended the University of South Florida’s Arts4All Animation Camp and quickly impressed course instructor Dani Bowman. The instructor provided Lucas a scholarship to her advanced course, where he worked with his fellow students to create an animated film that was ultimately presented at Comic-Con. Lucas drew and animated the main character for the film, and also learned from Ms. Bowman about equipment and software that will increase his marketability to future employers.

Lucas was recognized at ServiceSource Florida’s most recent Service Excellence Awards luncheon and is ready to pursue studies in animation, art and information software after graduation. We are excited to see what he draws up next!

(Information and photo courtesy of ServiceSource.)

Kalin Lincoln

Lake Buena Vista High School senior Kalin Lincoln thrives in the classroom and on the volleyball court. The two-year High School High Tech participant and sous chef in her Career and Technical Education class is a culture creator among her fellow students. She has learned to grow beyond her natural introversion and advocate for her needs in the classroom, as well as counseling other students with disabilities in order for them to find success.

HSHT helps many students with disabilities develop self-confidence and self-advocacy, and Kalin is no exception. The captain of her school’s volleyball team and National Honor Society member has accepted a scholarship with Johnson & Wales University in Charlotte, North Carolina to continue her culinary arts study and volleyball career.

“In my time as her teacher, Kalin consistently impressed me with her internal motivation, charisma and leadership,” writes Lake Buena Vista HSHT teacher Miriam Brody. “She is by nature a quiet young woman, but she regularly sought opportunities to extend her learning in my class with extra conversations, articles, and anything else I could offer. Without a doubt, her active participation in class was a tremendous asset to me, her classmates, and her community. She has learned to be herself, yet simultaneously push herself and her personal boundaries.”

We can’t wait to see what successes lie in store for this multi-talented scholar!