Partner Perspectives

Tina Pepin
Executive Director
The Pepin Family Foundation

Jeff Skowronek, MST, PhD
Executive Director
Pepin Academies

What is the mission and purpose of the Pepin Family Foundation?

PEPIN: As we focus on making an impact that improves the lives in our community today, the goal of the Pepin Family Foundation is to ensure our legacy gives back for many generations to come. This goal is why our work aims to improve the quality of life in Tampa Bay.

Our vision is to encourage the growth and access to specialized disabled learning, the best in cardiac care and research, transportation and mental health and wellness services to all professionals on the front line and their families. As we open our eyes and ears to the community, our family allocates our resources accordingly while staying true to our mission that began many decades ago. We are always looking for ways to serve those who serve. We are the helping hand.

How do Pepin Academies help to prepare students with disabilities for their lives after high school graduation?

SKOWRONEK: Students at Pepin Academies often come to us after unsuccessful experiences in traditional school settings. For us, it is imperative that our end goal for our students is not just academic achievement that ends with a high school diploma. Rather, we believe if students leave us only with a diploma and no plans for a productive future, we have failed them just the same as the failure they experienced prior to enrolling in our schools.

Therefore, we make every effort possible to understand our students’ future desires and help create a path for their success. If post-secondary education is a student’s preference, we offer many opportunities of a traditional school setting to build a strong background. As post-secondary education need not be the path for all students, we have career/workforce experiences and life skills training as an integrated part of our model.

Beyond those courses, we also offer models of real-world experience, such as our Pepin Café, which is a scaled-down version of a coffee, smoothie, and tea café. Within these experiences students learn the skills of various trades, some earning industry certifications, and valuable preparation for future employment. 

Whether a student’s path is post-secondary education, workforce, or our career/workforce education transition program, we aim to ensure students at Pepin Academies are afforded options and experiences that will maximize their potential and contribute to their developing into a productive member of society after they leave our schools.

What sparked the decision to make educating youth with disabilities a primary focus for the Pepin Family Foundation?

PEPIN: Brought to the attention of my grandfather Art and father Tom, a family friend’s son diagnosed with autism and a few family members were struggling in a general education environment. We saw and acted on the need that in order for a student to thrive while learning, they must first feel like they belong and are supported on all levels. Through our education model, our “special sauce” as we say, our students are able to receive all they need between the healing walls of Pepin Academies.

We also learned that for this community, the work must continue after a high school diploma, which fostered the creation of our transition and workforce readiness program. Just like The Able Trust, we believe in and support inclusivity in our community and workforce!

What future-of-work trends are Pepin Academies seeing that will be important for students?

SKOWRONEK: To ensure our programs are in line with workforce demands, we regularly examine the labor force characteristics for persons with disabilities. We then compare those with our students’ interests to create a well-balanced offering of career-related experiences. 

Of equal importance, “soft skills” continue to be important components of successful employees. At Pepin Academies, our workforce and life skills training integrate these essential features of work ethic/commitment, problem-solving, time-management, collaboration, and social-emotional intelligence, into real-world, hands-on experiences. Having these skills helps to increase the likelihood that our graduates will be seen as valuable, important additions to any field, and as full-time committed employees rather than continuing the trend that persons with disabilities tend be part-time employees.

Lastly, while our Transition program certainly focuses on providing our students valuable career-related skills, it also serves to break down barriers to a disability-inclusive workforce. By working with community partners in a more scaffolded setting, companies can navigate how to accommodate the needs of all individuals and maximize workplace productivity in a safe, supportive model.

Independent of the direction the labor force takes by way of types of employment, it is crucial that future employees present with a well-rounded background, complete with the soft skills that are predictive of collaborative, committed, long-term employee, and future employers are afforded an opportunity to learn how to be more inclusive in a safe, supportive partnership prior to hiring an employee with disabilities full-time. At Pepin Academies, our career and workforce education programs meet those goals.

Learn More about
The Able Trust
Youth Programs

High School High Tech (HSHT) provides high school students with all types of disabilities the opportunity to explore jobs or postsecondary education leading to in-demand careers. HSHT links youth to a broad range of academic, career development and experiential resources and experiences that will enable them to meet the demands of the 21st century workforce.

Futures in Focus is intended to support students from grades 9 to 12 (aged 14-22) who have a disability documented by an IEP or 504 Plan. 

  • Improve participation in education and vocational-related activities leading to increased employment opportunities for middle/high school students with disabilities.
  • Connect students to resources that assist them with education and employment pursuits, such as Florida’s Division of Vocational Rehabilitation.
  • Increase enrollment in postsecondary education/training.

Additional Partner Perspectives

Michelle Dennard

Vice President and Regional Executive
Jacksonville Branch of the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta

Michelle Dennard is vice president and regional executive of the Jacksonville Branch of the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta. She is responsible for the Branch’s Board of Directors and the District’s Advisory Council on Transportation and Logistics and provides regional input into the Atlanta Fed’s monetary policy process.

Ms. Dennard joined the Jacksonville Branch on July 31, 2023. Prior to joining the Fed, she most recently served as president and CEO of CareerSource Florida Inc., the nonprofit, public private policy and investment board of business and government leaders charged with guiding workforce development for the state of Florida.

An attorney and member of the Florida Bar, Ms. Dennard has more than 16 years of experience in workforce and economic development. She has also served as the Director for the Division of Strategic Business Development at the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity (now Florida and Deputy Director of the Florida Office of Tourism, Trade and Economic development, providing legal counsel and managing government affairs.

She is a member of Leadership Florida Cornerstone Class 39, 2019 recipient of Development Counsellors International’s prestigious 40 Under 40 Award in economic development, and the Florida Economic Development Council’s 2019 Toni Jennings Workforce Professional of the Year. She is a graduate of the Florida State University College of Business and earned her Juris Doctor degree from the Florida State University College of Law.

Click the button below for the Partner Perspective and Michelle’s Q and A.

Braulio Colón, Executive Director, Florida College Access Network

Braulio Colón is an experienced non-profit executive and education system-change strategist.  His over 20 years of leadership experience has focused on Florida programmatic and policy development at the state agency, university, community-based, and philanthropic levels. Braulio is co-founder and Executive Director at Florida College Access Network, an independent statewide organization hosted by University of South Florida that engages communities to improve college access and success for all students. 

Previously Braulio served as vice president, Florida Student Success Initiatives at Helios Education Foundation.  While at Helios, Colón managed a $70 million grant portfolio and led in the development of more than $50 million in board-approved community investments supporting various initiatives and projects in Florida and Arizona.  Braulio serves on the governing boards of the Florida Policy Institute, National College Attainment Network, Elevation Scholars, and USF Alumni Association. He also serves in an advisory capacity as member of the LEAP Tampa Bay Leadership Council, UCF Center for Community Schools, and Knack Technologies, Inc.   

Braulio is a two-time graduate from University of South Florida, earning a Bachelor of Arts in Mass Communications, a Bachelor of Arts in Africana Studies, before earning a Master of Arts in Public Administration. More recently, he earned a Certificate in Executive Leadership from Cornell University.

Click the button below for the Partner Perspective and Colón Q and A.

Adrienne Johnston, President & CEO, CareerSource Florida

Adrienne Johnston was appointed as President and CEO of CareerSource Florida in February 2023. CareerSource Florida is driven by a business-led Board of Directors appointed by the Governor, to guide workforce development policy and services. Johnston leads efforts to ensure the CareerSource Florida network anticipates and responds to the needs of businesses and job seekers throughout Florida.

To date, her achievements in this role include increased collaboration within the state workforce system and implementation of REACH Act priorities, such as the Credentials Review Committee, Master Credentials List, and Florida Workforce System Transformation Plan. With extensive experience in workforce services and applied research, Johnston takes a strategic approach to helping Florida become the global leader for talent. Her most recent leadership positions include serving as deputy secretary of Workforce Services and chief economist for FloridaCommerce. She holds a master’s degree in economics from Florida State University.

Click the button below for the Partner Perspective and Johnston’s Q and A. 

Dennis Hartin, Benefits and Risk Advisor HUB International

Dennis started his insurance career in 1994 and was quickly moved up the ranks with a national carrier, serving at every level. Born in KY and relocating to Tampa in 2014 with his wife and two boys he managed a sales team of 700+ and asset base of over $100 Million.

He founded Hartin Dynamics in Jan if 2018 doing anything necessary to help his clients attract and retain the best talent. He exited to HUB international in Oct 2022 to join the 5th largest brokerage firm in the world covering all risk, compliance and benefits needs. He has recently been written up in Benefits Pro Magazine along with multiple national speaking engagements based on his unique approach to benefits and employee engagement. He is one of the few transparent advisors helping duplicate proven solutions to lower costs and improve care. He is a contributor to a Amazon bestseller for sales and marketing called “Winning Sales Attitudes” and his latest book “25 Changemakers in Florida” launched in March 2021. Dennis is the Co-founder of the Emotional Vaccines® program working to educate and create a public health policy around prevention in the growing mental health crisis.

Dennis has a unique passion for helping others and serves in multiple board roles for Neuro Shifts, Keystone Prep High School, HR Tampa, Tampa Bay NABIP, Secured Finance, Empowered HR and The National Center for Performance Health addressing the growing mental health concerns in America. 

Click the button below for the Partner Perspective with Dennis.

Mary Chance, President/CEO, Florida Consortium of Education Foundations

Mary Chance has served as president of the Consortium of Florida Education Foundations since 2008 after serving as the executive director of the Alachua County education foundation for ten years, diversifying the scope of work for that foundation significantly and increasing annual revenue from $100,000 to $1.2 million.

The President is the senior-most position in the Consortium and reports directly to the board of directors. Primary responsibilities include supervising board development, public affairs, partnership and resource development, program and administrative activities, and overseeing compliance with all local and state regulations regarding the organization.

Click the button below to learn  about trends in postsecondary education and opportunities for students. Mary also describes some of the challenges facing students in Florida and how education foundations are helping resolve these problems.